Tuesday 29 January 2013

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Spring project Prezi links

An overview of the whole project

Task 1a

Researching websites

implementation issues for websites

Rules and Regulations

Sources of Finance

financial issues and risks for websites

Task 2b

The marketing mix

Task 1 a Research and Planning

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Task 1- Research and planning
1a) Research a range (minimum of 3) on-line companies from different sectors (Public, Private and NGO/Charity) in order to build ideas and knowledge for your online business.

 your research should cover the following areas:
  • The Aims and Objectives of the websites: 
  • To inform, to sell etc
  • Website design features: Analyze different types of website. Brochure, intermediate and Advanced. These will help you make decisions about what your website might have. You need to consider; Colour schemes, navigation issues, use of images and video etc. Think what do you want your site to look like? Click here for the Prezi.
  • Funding:How do people and organisations raise capital. How much will it cost to set up your business? Where will you get your funding from? Prezi here.
  • Financial issues and Risks: What do organisations do about collecting payment. 
  • How do different organisations manage these? How do customers pay and get refunds etc? What can be done to prevent fraud etc? -Click link to a prezi on this topic.
  • Job roles and functions in an online business: Find out about the job roles especially IT ones needed to make an online business work

These need to be completed by 04/01/13 as we will be moving onto task 2 then.

Project home page

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Here you will find all the information you need to complete the project successfully.

Click here to see an overview of the project

Before you get started

1) You need a gmail account. That is just your name or with your year of birth added. Click here for more instructions.

2) You need a blogger account. Click here for more instructions.

How to list

Insert images into your blog

Task 1 a Job Roles

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Job roles

There are two areas to look at

1) Internet (e-Commerce jobs)

2) Business jobs

1) Internet (e-Commerce jobs)

These are some of the the technical jobs available and should be  researched.
The following information needs to be  found out and discussed.

Include links to examples found on line
  1. Qualifications needed
  2. pay scale
  3. responsibilities/duties
  4. skills/characteristics required
  5. Progress from entry/junior level to senior/management

  • web developer

  • Database administrator

  • Programmer

  • Website design

  • Network support

  • Software developer

2) Business jobs

These are some of the business jobs available and should be researched.
The following information needs to be found out and discussed
  1. Qualifications needed
  2. pay scale
  3. responsibilities/duties
  4. skills/characteristics required
  5. Progress from entry/junior level to senior/management

  • Administration

  • sales

  • Marketing

  • Finance

  • Production

  • Logistics

  • Advertising

sources/link suggestions

Project Brief

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Business level 2 project

Unit 4                     People in organisations
Unit 8                     Business communication through documentation
Unit 12                  Business on line
Unit 16                  Business enterprise

As BTEC level 2 business students your project is to plan for then set-up a business with an on-line presence. 

Things to consider
This project is to be considered real as it can be put online and you might get to make some money out of it.
Keep your blog up-to-date and include notes made in classes, as they will be able to be submitted as supporting evidence.
Keep records of meetings and communication with your peers and others, as they will be able to be submitted as supporting evidence.
Unless a specific method of submitting evidence is asked for (such as the business plan template) you are encouraged to use a variety of formats for submitting work.
Remember to reference all sources
All of the evidence for this task will be presented in electronic format and submitted via turnitin at 4pm 19/04/13.

Task 1- Research and planning

1a) Research a range (minimum 3) of on-line companies from different sectors in order to build ideas and knowledge for your business, your research should cover the following areas:
Rules and Regulations
Financial issues
Funding and risks
Organisational structures
Website design features
Job roles and functions in an online business.

1b)  Working individually you are to prepare and deliver a blog on the areas above.

1c) In-class group discussions are needed to plan an agenda for an effective meeting with your web design consultant

Evidence to be submitted: blog containing website listings, annotated screen shots, meeting minutes,  
Covers criteria:  Unit 4- P1 P2        Unit 8-P2          Unit 12 - P1 P2 P3 P4           Unit 16-P3 P4                 
This is to becompleted in class no later than 01/02/13 at 4pm

Task 2-Application of Research

From your research for task 1
2 a) Produce a brief to take to the Designer to turn your design ideas into a tangible product.
2 b) Ensure you maintain contact with your peer student helping you. Use appropriate documentation to track discussion topics.
2 c) Produce a business plan for an online shop/marketing forum using the template provided.
2 d) Individually create a job description and person specification for a future role in your organisation.
Evidence to be submitted: Design brief and evidence of communications.
Covers criteria:  Unit 8 -P3     Unit 12-P5         Unit 16 -P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6

This is to be presented in class no later than 01/03/13

Task 3-Marketing and promotion

Now your ideas are formulated the next stage of the project is to promote the business ready for the launch of your website. In order to market successfully a range of marketing materials in different formats for different target markets is needed.

3a) Use 3 formats to market/promote your site, possible styles to select from include:
Twitter feeds
Face book page
Promotional video

 3b) Produce a plan to explain the preparation needed to market and sell your product including the difficulties/constraints limiting your ideas.

3c) Interview at least 3 candidates for the previously advertised role. (This is an extension of task 2d and should be carried out with the assistance of a tutor)

Evidence to be submitted: marketing designs and marketing plan.
Covers criteria: Unit 4 P4                  Unit 8 P1 P2 P3 P4                                    Unit 16 P3 P4

This is to be presented in class no later than 01/04/13

Task 4- Evaluation

The evaluation process is an integral part of a successful business and in order to assess your performance on this project and make improvements for future business ventures:
4a) Using the provided template complete a personal SWOT analysis.
4b) Match your current skills and abilities to two job opportunities.
4 c) Make a realistic career development plan for a chosen career (could be based upon one from 4 b)
4d) Explain the benefits and impact of marketing products and services on- line.
4e) Explain all issues a business would have to consider before taking its business online.

Evidence to be submitted
Written SWOT analysis
 The matching of skills and abilities to 2 job roles
A timeline for a chosen career.
An explanation of online marketing and online issue considerations can all be created in a variety of formats that suit you best; for example presentations and/or video files.
Covers criteria: Unit 4 P5 P6                  Unit 12 P3 P6 P7                  Unit 16 P1                 

All of the evidence for the above tasks will be submitted 19/04/13

Unit 4 people in organisations course criteria
The Pass Merit and Distinction Criteria for Unit 4

Unit 8 Business communication through documentation course criteria

Unit 8 Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria.

Unit 12 Business on line course criteria

Unit 12 Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria.

Unit 16 Business enterprise course criteria

Unit 16 Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria.

Coming up soon

Some good work by you lot. Remember we start looking at task 2 next week or at latest week after so...
Design features- colour scheme, fonts, images, video, drop down menus, pop ups, roll overs, banners, adverts etc
Jobs- Internet and traditional
Accessibility- for websites
Funding- how a business raises money/ how a biz online collects revenue.

Monday we'll be covering rules and regulations and maybe more.
9am start