Do not knock on the door as recording is taking place, so please be quiet too.
When the pair before are finished you will be let in.
Any pairs not listed please come to 324 @ 4.30
Good luck!
Group A room 324
Ajim 910
Daniel M 920
Daniel O 930
Ann 940
Samiya 950
Al-Tuheen 10.00
Solomon A 10.10
Ilidio 10.20
Patrick 1030
Daniel I 10.50
Zeleka 11.00
Motiur 11.10
Nimra 11.20
Domantas 11.30
Group B 325
Gio 9.10
Jorge 9.20
Agnes 9.30
Dritan 9.40
Oliver 9.50
Rabia 10.00
Cem 10.10
Jahnay 10.20
Harvey 10.30
Zainab 10.40
Karina 11.00
Group c 324
Dolapo 1.30
Michael E 1.40
Lina 1.50
Vishal 2.00
Karol 2.10
Tevin 2.20
Diaa 2.20
Can 2.30
Simona 2.40
Shebnem 250